What is Walk and Talk Therapy & Should I Try it?
Posted: April 2, 2021
What makes Walk and Talk therapy beneficial?
Usually, when we have conversations with others, we sit directly across from each other and often make and maintain direct eye contact. These conversations might range from small to talk to more serious conversations that require some vulnerability. Often in therapy, the client is situated directly across from their therapist in order to maintain eye contact. Sometimes though, when conversations begin to get more vulnerable, uninterrupted eye-contact might feel more serious and can be intimidating for some. Walking side by side however, can feel more relaxed allow for easier conversation. Walk and talk therapy takes your sessions outdoors. It can happen in a public park or on nearby trails. This alternative provides a new approach by infusing the benefits of fresh air and exercise into therapy sessions. Movement, whether it’s a leisurely walk or a brisk hike, can make it easier for some people to discuss their feelings. You might find that you prefer to move or walk as opposed to sitting across from your therapist in an office or looking through a screen. Not only does sunshine provide us with some much needed vitamin D, being outside in nature has been known to be beneficial for mental health in general.What are other considerations to determine if Walk and Talk therapy is right for me?
The focus of walk and talk therapy sessions is on you processing, and not on exercise. You do not need to be an athlete to participate in walk and talk therapy sessions. Moving your body simply helps the brain-body connection. Burning a few extra calories is an added perk. There is nothing physically strenuous about the session and the client always sets the pace of the walk. Another thing to consider is that if you have any medical conditions that can be exacerbated by exercise. In these situations, your medical provider may advise against you walking for sustained periods of time. Walk and talk therapy would not be recommended if this is your current situation. If you have extreme allergies, being outdoors around the trees may also not be ideal for you. All you need for your walk and talk therapy session is a pair of walking shoes and some comfortable clothes. Having a bottle of water on hand might be helpful as well.What about confidentiality?
Your privacy is always of the utmost importance to us. There will be nothing to distinguish us from others enjoying the trail. To the people we pass while walking, we will just look like two ordinary people taking a walk.Where do sessions take place?
Our new office is located at 5316 Highgate Dr. in Durham, which is right next to an entrance on the American Tobacco Trail. Sessions will take place along the trail, which is paved and not too hilly. We will meet outside the main entrance and head on over to the trail. If you think walk and talk therapy might be a good fit for you, talk to your therapist about having some of your sessions this way. Modern Change provides walk and talk therapy in Durham, NC. Contact TodaySign up to get blog posts straight to your inbox:
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